North Vector

Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte

The growth of the North Vector of the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte is driven by the quality of life of small towns, economic development and easy access to Belo Horizonte. All this, plus the low crime rates compared to other regions, makes the North Vector a very promising place.

The proximity to the International Airport in Confins and the Administrative City are also strong points of attraction. The modernization, expansion and maintenance project for the International Airport in Confins alone is expected to receive considerable investments for the 30-year concession period – which will result in one of the main hubs (flight distribution center) in Brazil. It is also worth mentioning the State of Minas Gerais’ strategic location, between São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.

We are proud of our origins: Pedro Leopoldo is one of the fastest growing cities in the North Vector of Belo Horizonte’s Metropolitan Area. It was where we started almost 50 years ago and where we left to conquer new horizons. Today, we are a reference firm in the region. We follow its development precisely because we serve important companies and industries that drive the economy of the North Vector. More than just being part of the history of the North Vector, we want to be part of the future.

If your company wants to participate in an open channel with the industries and companies of the North Vector, feel at home with GNL. It will be a pleasure to have you by our side.

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Vetor Norte GNL