GNL believes that its responsibility with integrity is as important, if not greater, than rendering quality legal services to our clients. GNL understands, believes and is committed to encouraging its partners, employees and everyone who operates in the GNL environment, either as business partners or contractors, to act as citizens committed to sustainable and responsible development in the market, complying with legislation and acting ethically in when doing business.

With a focus on data protection and information security, the firm has been developing projects and initiatives with the active involvement of partners and the IT department, with attention to compliance with the Brazilian Data Protection Law (LGPD).

Our Compliance department advises companies of all sizes to develop and implement Compliance policies and mechanisms, in addition to being responsible for advising clients on compliance with LGPD, with projects ranging from workshops, data mapping, action plan definition and team training, according to the needs and context of each client.

In case of doubts, complaints and/or need to communicate with Geraldo Néry Lopes Advogados in relation to issues related to the protection of Personal Data, contact our Data Protection Officer at:

Data Protection Officer: Camila Melo Franco Gonçalves Motta – e-mail:

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